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Knit and Crochet Now!
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Knit and Crochet Now! Season 5, Episode 510: Hot Water Bottle Covers

Season 5, Episode 10
Ellen Gormley crochets joined motifs into the Guest Room Hot Water Bottle Cover, while Kristin Nicholas knits cables for the Jamieson Hot Water Bottle Cover. Brett Bara knits short rows for the On the Bias Scarf.
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Customer Reviews for Knit and Crochet Now! Season 5, Episode 510: Hot Water Bottle Covers:

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3.5 out of 5 (Reviewed by 4 customers.)

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July 7, 2015
Bea B
Great show to wake up to this morning! Even set my alarm for this one, love the simple, stash busting ideas. The hot water bottle cover could be used to cover any heating pad or laptop/tablet. So those of you thinking hot water bottles are old school, just two thoughts of imagination can offer you gift ideas for the present!!!
January 31, 2015
Kathleen E
I enjoyed this episode. I'm a very experienced knitter but I do occasionally like some mindless travel/tv/airplane/co-pilot (car) knitting. I also use hot water bottles a lot. It's a lot-tech, eco-friendly way to keep my feet warm while I sleep in a cool bedroom. And, if put it in ahead of time, the sheets are comfortably warmed no matter how cold the bedroom. It's also a fun way to use up leftovers! Nice to find a crochet pattern as well, for occasional forays into crochet.
January 30, 2015
Michele D
I thought it was great. I've been crocheting many, many years and I started knitting about 5 years ago. I made both of these covers as a gift for a friend in the U.K. She loved them! Evidently hot water bottles are big "across the pond". Thanks for a quick and easy project. It's nice to have something simple to work on at times.
January 5, 2015
Shari R
I found this episode to be useless for an experienced knitter. The cables are very basic and the hot water bottle project was a little too simple for me. Also, I must add, who uses these type bags anymore? The project in general seemed like something my mother would've made back in the 60's. Not something for 2014. :(

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